Also, to provide the best user experience, we have many warehouse across the world. Depending of your location and the stocks, the packages will be send from Europe (Germany/CZ/UK), Asia, Or US, by different courier, generally DHL or 4PX. However we do ensure you can track your orders by systematically providing you a tracking number.
As your products are often made to order, they basically take 2-3 weeks to arrive. So do not worry if the product doesn't arrive the next day! Most of the time your order will arrive a lot quicker.
This does mean we ship worldwide, so you can shop with us wherever you are.
May I get a tracking number?
All orders include a tracking number. You'll receive yours as soon as the package has been shipped.
I ordered multiple items, will everything arrive together?
Our product are made-to-order, and some items can take longer to make than others after your order is placed. Because of this, we ship out each item as soon as it is completed rather than waiting for the other item(s) in the order to be ready. Also, some items are too big to be send in a unique box, to assure the good protection of the items, we sometime ship product in different box, don't be afraid if you don't receive your whole command at the same time.
How long will it take to process my order?
The orders are generally shipped within 5 hours after the purchase was made.